
Pink represents love, fidelity, compassion, honor, and harmony. It is associated with the zodiac sign of Taurus.

People who love pink are mostly women, and sometimes it is deemed as a feminine color. People who love pink are refined, patient, and affectionate. They like food, art, fashion, and the nice things in life. They are the ones who love to spend time out in the sun sniffing the pretty flowers or admiring the scenery.

Other personality traits include loyalty, relability, sensual, an apreciation for beauty, and they have a knack for dealing with the world. Money and other worldy posessions are often important to them. These people tend to be known by what they own, earn, and what they enjoy.

On the downside they can be very stubborn. Since pink is the color for Taurus the bull, it is often true. They can be the most stubborn person you have ever met (besides red lovers...). Since they enjoy comfort, they tend to become a bit predictable, sticking to the same thing everyday.

Having a sweet tooth is very common for people who love pink. But the search for the perfect dessert can be direct towards artistic pursuits, liquor, gourmet foods, and exquisite objects. They also tend to be a little "touchy-feely" and they respond to how people and situations feel to them.

People who love pink show a reluctance to maturity in sex. Women tend to tease and promise to give more than they actually do. Men tend to be flirts and philanderers. They are the ones that will make three dates for the same evening and not keep any one of them...preferring to pick up someone out from the bar.

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